Last week, the annual EUReCA competition was held virtually. Judges visited with the students on Zoom, viewed their posters and asked them questions. BESS seniors did extremely well. BESS, Biosystems Engineering (BSE) students, Kaitlyn Nelms and Mary Morris, won ORE Gold and first place in Tickle College of Engineering Design Awards for their project “Poultry Farm Security Gate: Autonomous Vehicle Recognition System,” mentored by Drs. Gan, Hawkins and Wilkerson; Logan Ashworth, also a BSE senior, won ORE Bronze and second place in Tickle College of Engineering Design Awards for his project “Rapid Autonomous Corn Phenotyping—Data Acquisition System (RACP-DAS),” mentored by Drs. Gan and Wilkerson. Victoria Beard (Tori), a Microbiology senior in the Chancellor’s Honors Program, who did her undergraduate research work in Dr. Jennifer DeBruyn’s laboratory won ORE Silver and second place in Herbert College of Agriculture for her project “Changes in Antibiotic Resistance in Soil Microbes During Human Decomposition.” More can be seen at https://tickle.utk.edu/engineering-vols-win-at-virtual-eureca-2020/ Congratulations!