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Outreach: Environmental Science for K-12

Backyard STEM: Environmental Science for Tennessee 4-H brings environmental science to Tennessee 4-H. We develop curriculum and train 4-H educators to use the materials in their 4-H clubs and camps. Funding for this program is provided by University of Tennessee Extension and the National Science Foundation.
Select Media
Biographic: Life Among the Dead 2024.10.30
The Biochemist: “Out, Damned Spot”: The art and science of forensic restoration. 2023.10.31
CBC Radio Quirks and Quarks: For Halloween — How your body’s microbiome will help recycle you after you die 2023.10.28
Popular Mechanics: Your microbiome will outlive you 2023.10.3
The Conversation: Your microbes live on after you die − a microbiologist explains how your necrobiome recycles your body to nourish new life 2023.9.28
Bioengineer: Interdisciplinary Team Studies Decomposition Effects on Soil 2023.8.11
New York Times for Kids: Rot in Peace 2022.10
Axios: “Human composting” is a hot new burial alternative 2022.11.21
EurekAlert: Study connects decomposing body’s BMI to surrounding soil microbes 2022.9.22
Popular mechanics: After You Die, A Universe Eats Your Body 2022.3.7
Wired: Could a Tree Help Find a Decaying Corpse Nearby? 2020.9.3
CNN: Plants Could Help Authorities Detect Dead Human Bodies in Woodland 2020.9.3
Discover Magazine: Life After Death: What Human Burial Options will Look Like in a Sustainable Future 2020.8.6
UNDARK: Down on the Body Farm: Unlocking the Forensic Secrets of Decaying Corpses 2019.11.11
Big Picture Science: Battling Bacteria 2019.10.7
Brains On! podcast: Plastic: Why it’s Everywhere 2019.7.30
NPR The Salt: Organic Farming Has a Plastic Probem. One Solution is Controversial 2019.6.7
BBC News: Does the UK need a human ‘body farm’? 2017.9.7
Live Science: Time of Death? Check the Body’s ‘Necrobiome’ 2016.12.22
ScienceNews: Microbes may be a Forensic Tool for Time of Death 2015.7.22