Huihui Sun successfully defended her Soil Science Ph.D. The title of her dissertation was “Roles of Soil Pores in Determining Water Retention and Microbial Dynamics”. Her advisor is Dr. Jie (Joe) Zhuang and members of her committee were Dr. Mark Radosevich (BESS), Dr. Jaehoon Lee (BESS), Dr. Qiang He (CEE), and Dr. Shuo Qian (ORNL). Through the application of (ultra)small-angle X-ray and neutron scattering techniques, her research highlights the key physical factors controlling water content, microbial interactions and spatial distribution at micro- and nano-scales of soil pores. The findings pave the way for future studies to probe a more detailed understanding of biogeochemical cycling at the pore scale of terrestrial ecosystems. Dr. Sun will be continuing on with post-doctoral studies.