Annual Evaluation

An annual evaluation may be conducted by the Director of Graduate Studies to determine progress and performance within the graduate program. Graduate students will be evaluated according to basic requirements of the program under which they enter. When either the student or major professor becomes concerned that a program is not progressing satisfactorily, a conference will be held to review the program and progress of the student. Departments or colleges may change program requirements and apply them to students already admitted, provided adequate notice is given and the requirements are not made retroactive to parts of the program already completed by the student.

Graduate Students will be notified by the Director of Graduate Studies prior to any annual evaluation. Students will then be required to contact the Graduate Coordinator and update their respective files.

Normally, the evaluation consists of checking the student files for evidence of the timely completion of the tasks detailed in Tables 1 – 3. The Graduate Director will also review the Plan of Study and Grade Reports to ensure that the student will meet the course and credit requirements for graduation.