Maddie Ginsberg, Biosystems Engineering graduate student under Dr. Lori Duncan, won first place in the poster competition in the Sustainability Conference at the Beltwide Cotton Conferences. The title of her poster was Geospatial Analysis of Crop Production and Publicly-Funded Research Stations to Scale Carbon Markets. Maddie’s research is centered on developing a geospatial model of agricultural land in Tennessee, using crop production and environmental data inputs to represent factors that can influence soil organic carbon sequestration in agricultural ecosystems. The developed geospatial model will be used to better understand regions across Tennessee with spatial and physical correlations to conditions observed at UT AgResearch and Education Centers. This model can act as a tool for farmers to compare conditions on their farms to data at their correlated AgResearch Centers, for guiding further adoption of sustainable management practices, and to assess the potential monetary compensation for carbon sequestration if a farmer were to enroll in a carbon market system.