Dr. Sindhu Jagadamma has welcomed new postdoc, Dr. Rachel Wooliver, to the Soil Management Lab. In the next couple of years, Rachel will be working on Dr. Jagadamma’s USDA-funded project to explore plant-soil-microbial interactions in agricultural systems. This project involves collaborations with scientists across Tennessee to understand how plant-soil-microbial interactions mediate long-known positive effects of crop diversification on soil health and crop yields. Prior to coming to BESS, Rachel was a postdoc in the Sheth lab at North Carolina State University (https://seemasheth.weebly.com/), where she worked in natural systems to explore plant evolutionary responses to climate change, and how these responses vary across geographic ranges. Rachel completed her doctoral degree in Ecology & Evolutionary Biology in the Schweitzer lab at the University of Tennessee (http://jenschweitzer.com/). Her dissertation explored the ecology and evolution of plant nitrogen limitation and synthesized new insights in our understanding of the nitrogen cycle in the context of eco-evolutionary feedbacks. Rachel’s publications are listed here: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=KRYuojoAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao. Welcome, Rachel!