Tuesday, March 26, 2019
Mossman Building Room 102
Student Poster Competition
1st Place – $75
2nd Place – $50
3rd Place – $25
This year’s theme is “Protecting and Restoring Tennessee’s Waterways with Watershed Management Plans.” There is great career potential for students in a variety of fields that contribute to watershed management plans. Engineers, information technology specialists, ecologists, communication specialists, community leaders, planners, and farmers, everyone has a skate in having clean water resources.
Come learn about how state-level programs create solutions for communities hoping to improve water quality in local creeks and rivers and about how students are preparing for a career in watershed management.

11:30 – Student poster set up
Noon – Open House (Poster displays and networking session)
1pm – Keynote Address from Dr. Sam Marshall, TN. Dept of Ag
3pm – Tennessee Watersheds Project Showcase
3:30 – Campus Rainworks Challenge Presentations
4pm – Student Poster Competition
4:45 – Announcement of winners
Keynote Speaker
Dr. Sam Marshall is the Director of the 319 Nonpoint Source Program for the Tennessee Department of Agriculture. Dr. Marshall will provide an overview of the Tennessee Nonpoint Source Program and insights on the state of water quality in the Big Orange.
Watershed Project Showcase
Watershed Projects in the Oostanaula Creek, Batt Creek, and Beaver Creek Watersheds will be on showcase, showing how innovative approaches to watershed-scale issues can make an impact towrards improved water quality in the Tennessee River.
Campus Rainworks Challenge 2018
In 2018, the University of Tennessee submitted not one, but two, submissions for the US Environmental Protection Agency’s Campus Rainworks Challenge program. Results of this national competition are still pending, but come see presentations from the UT students that made these projects possible.