Dear Transfer Students,
The Department of Biosystems Engineering and Soil Science (BESS) offers three bachelor’s degrees with various concentrations and options.
- Biosystems Engineering (BSE)
- Environmental Science (ESS)
- Construction Science and Agricultural Systems (CSAS)
Below you will find general information about your transfer into one of our bachelor’s degrees. Check your courses to determine how the classes that you have taken at your institution transfer to the University of Tennessee. Please contact the department to arrange a meeting with an advisor, such that the transfer can be as seamless as possible. For more information, please visit the UT Knoxville Transfer Students page.
Danielle Julie Carrier
Professor and Head
Biosystems Engineering
Students wishing to transfer from a Tennessee two-year community college: Although there is no specific transfer pathway for this program, following a general science associate’s degree will help prepare you for this program. Technical courses that easily transfer and meet requirements for this degree include the equivalents of English 101-102, Math 141-142-241 (or the 147-148-247 Honors versions), Biology 160 (168 Honors), Chemistry 120 (128 Honors). At least one Tennessee community college has courses that transfer in directly as Engineering Fundamentals 105, 151, 152, and Mechanical Engineering 202, which are also very useful. Non-technical courses that transfer well include 2 General Education Cultures and Civilizations electives, 1 General Education Arts and Humanity elective, and 1 General Education Social Sciences elective. These must be from the UT approved lists of General Education electives found in the UT Knoxville Undergraduate Catalog under General Education Requirements. If you have any questions about a course, please contact the department and ask to speak to a biosystems engineering academic advisor before signing up for the course. Also be sure to attend a transfer orientation session to meet with an advisor and ensure a smooth transition.
Construction Science Concentration
Students wishing to transfer from another major at UT Knoxville: Contact the department to arrange a meeting with a construction science advisor. Students who have followed an engineering-oriented major before transferring generally find a smooth transition to this major and concentration. However, changing majors late in your academic progression may add additional semesters to the standard four-year graduation. Students wishing to transfer from a
Tennessee two-year community college:
- Pellissippi State Community College – The construction science concentration currently accepts two-year transfer students who have been enrolled since fall 2015 in the Pellissippi Civil Engineering Technology Program. Please consult the transfer guide for this program.
- All two-year institutions including non-civil engineering technology majors from Pellissippi State Community College will follow established transfer protocols on a course-by-course basis. Following a general science associate’s degree should provide the best results. Courses that readily transfer and meet requirements for the construction science concentration include the UT equivalents of English 101-102, Geology 101, Chemistry 120, Physics 221, Math 141-142, Accounting 200, Economics 201, Management 201, 1 Humanities electives (such as Theater or Art Appreciation), 1 Social Science elective (such as Psychology 110 or Sociology 110), 2 Cultures and Civilizations electives (such as Anthropology, Religious Studies, and/or History). You may verify specific course by course transfer to ensure a seamless transfer.
Be sure discuss with your two-year college academic advisor your intent to take courses that transfer to the construction science concentration at the University of Tennessee. It is also recommended that you attend a transfer orientation session to meet with an advisor and ensure a smooth transition.
Environmental Science and Environmental Science – Soil Science
Students wishing to transfer from another major at UT Knoxville: Contact the department to arrange a meeting with an advisor. Students who have followed a science-oriented major before transferring generally find a smooth transition to this major and concentration, and generally are able to graduate on time.
Students wishing to transfer from a Tennessee two-year community college: Although there is no specific transfer pathway for this concentration, following a general science associate’s degree will help prepare you for this program. Courses that easily transfer and meet requirements for this concentration include the equivalents of English 101-102, Biology 150-159-160, Geology 101, Chemistry 122-123-128-132-133-138-260, Math 123-125, Economics 201, 2 Humanities electives (such as Theater or Art Appreciation), 1 Social Science elective (Such as Psychology 110 or Sociology 110). Be sure to attend a transfer orientation session to meet with an advisor and ensure a smooth transition.
Environmental Science – Conservation Agriculture and Environmental Sustainability
Students wishing to transfer from another major at UT Knoxville: Contact the department to arrange a meeting with an advisor. Students who have followed a science-oriented major before transferring generally find a smooth transition to this major and concentration. However, an extra semester may be required to complete the diversity of Herbert College of Agriculture courses required in this major.
Students wishing to transfer from a Tennessee two-year community college: Although there is no specific transfer pathway for this concentration, following a general science associates degree will help prepare you for this program. Courses that easily transfer and meet requirements for this concentration include the equivalents of English 101-102, Biology 101-102, Accounting 200, Geology 101, Chemistry 102-103-112-113, Math 123-125, Economics 201, 2 Humanities electives (such as Theater or Art Appreciation), 1 Social Science elective (Such as Psychology 110 or Sociology 110). Be sure to attend a transfer orientation session to meet with an advisor and ensure a smooth transition.