UT Extension Plan File

UT Extension Plans Search Form


The University of Tennessee Extension maintains a collection of over 300 building and equipment plans, and all are now available in electronic format for download. The plans are primarily intended for use in Tennessee, but many are appropriate for other locations as well.

The plans came from many sources. Some were developed in The University of Tennessee Extension Biosystems Engineering and Soil Science Department, but most were developed in a cooperative effort with the United States Department of Agriculture and the Cooperative Farm Building Plan Exchange. The Plan Exchange no longer exists, but the plans remain on file and are available.

The plans developed at The University of Tennessee are based on the research and demonstration experiences of scientists at The University of Tennessee. The USDA plans generally originated at Land Grant Institutions across the country and were submitted to the Cooperative Farm Building Plan Exchange where they were edited and distributed to all states for use in their Extension education programs.

We have attempted to verify that each plan is appropriate for use in Tennessee. However, these plans are mainly for use as planning guides, and you should check with local authorities concerning building code and building permit requirements. Also, good construction practices should be followed when building from these or any other plans.

Using the Plan List

This list was prepared to assist you in obtaining plans from The University of Tennessee Extension. Although many of the plans are for agricultural structures, a wide variety of building and equipment plans is available. The plans are arranged by subject to help you locate the plan(s) in which you are most interested.

The plan number (Plan No.) for each plan is given in the first column. It is important to refer to this number if questions arise.

The second column shows the number of sheets (No. Pages) in each plan so you can insure any plans you review or print are complete.

A brief description (Plan Description) is given. Plans are difficult to describe with just a few words, but the description should help you further narrow your choices.

Special Note About These Plans

Note that plans are supplied “where is, as is,” and no specific warranty is made with respect to their structural integrity and design.

As with any construction project, you should consult with a professional designer and secure all applicable permissions before starting construction.

Although these plans are in the public domain, you are requested to not alter or sell them. If you use them in a publication, credit to The University of Tennessee Extension would be appreciated.

All of the plans are now available in Adobe Acrobat. These plan files average about 1/2 megabyte per sheet.  (They can require up to 2 minutes per sheet to download over a 28.8 kb/sec modem.)

How to Obtain Plans

To search the plans, please go to the top of the page and search for desired plan(s). Please click on the submit button to see available plans for a category.

If your computer has the free Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat Professional, simply click on the highlighted plan number of the plan(s) you wish to see. You can then print or save the file. These plans are intended for printing on 8½ by 11-inch paper, but you can select from several Adobe printing options.

We are often asked if a materials list or additional information is available for individual plans. The answer is, “No.” When you click on a plan, you get all the information available. Questions or comments about this site, may be directed to us by phone, mail or email at the following address:

Biosystems Engineering and Soil Science Department
The University of Tennessee
2506 E. J. Chapman Drive
Knoxville, Tennessee 37996-4531

phone: 865-974-7266
email: ggrandle@utk.edu