The US Precision Livestock Farming Conference (US-PLF) 2023 Conference, held in Knoxville, TN, was a great success. There were 219 total registered participants – 183 in-person and 36 virtual, and over 125 scientific presentations. The participants were from 22 different countries and 32 states within the United States. The 125 scientific presentations were delivered as posters, podium presentations and lightning sessions. The conference Proceedings will be over 705 pages. The 2023US-PLF Conference received a grant from The National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA), which supported four items: 1) a mentoring luncheon for young professionals and early career scientists, 2) attendance scholarships minority producers from across the US, 3) attendance scholarships for faculty and Extension educators from minority serving institutions and 4) covered the publication costs for papers written by minority serving institution educators that were selected to be included in an upcoming 20 paper special edition of PLF papers from the US-PLF 2023 Conference that will be published in the scientific journal Animals. The organizing committee is also grateful to the following conference sponsors: Boehringer-Ingelheim, C-LOCK Inc., AGCO, Cobb, Aviagen, Big Dutchman, HY-LINE NORTH AMERICA, versova and zoetis. In the picture are BESS faculty that were very involved in making this conference a success (from left to right): Dr. Hao Gan, Dr. Daniel Berckmans, Dr. Robert Burns and Dr. Hongwei Xin.