The success of the construction science and management program would not be possible without the generosity of our industry partners.

Give to the Construction Science and Management Program
The construction science and management program at the Herbert College of Agriculture, along with the UT Institute of Agriculture, are asking your company or organization for support. Our program is continuously growing and working to serve the construction industry by producing quality construction graduates. Without industry support, we would not have a construction program at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. We appreciate the vision and generosity of our construction community who wish to have a recognized active role in the future of the construction science and management program.
Supporters who have established a continuous giving plan are identified as UT Construction Science Advocacy Members. Advocacy Member benefits include:
- Access to interns and cooperative education students
- Early access to future graduates
- Invitation to the annual Construction Science Advocacy Board Reception
- Networking opportunities
- Access to construction science career fairs, including waiver of fair fees
- Newsletter on current construction science and management activities
- Opportunity to serve on the Construction Science Executive Board
- Investing in the future of construction
- Recognized name association with UT (web and print)
All donations identified specifically with construction science and management will be used exclusively for the program. Annual giving funds provide a strong support base, which gives the program the ability to rapidly develop and grow into a recognized program that represents the state of Tennessee among the leaders in construction education. In order to fill the growing void that exists in construction education in the state of Tennessee and give the University of Tennessee the ability to deliver qualified, skilled construction graduates, funding greater than what is available through state sources must be utilized. Beginning with the first UT Construction Science students and curriculum in 2010, the growing success of the construction science and management program is due to the generous support from individuals, associations, and industry gifts.
Your monetary donations are used for:
- Scholarships
- Construction Lab Equipment
- Acquisition of Additional Construction Instructors (Adjunct/Full-Time)
- Construction-Oriented Software
- Support Improvement of Construction-Oriented Facilities and Infrastructure
- Construction Student Activities
- Construction Endowment Funds for Future Growth
- Expansion/Enhancement of Curricula
- Promotion of the Construction Program and Construction Industry
Please make checks payable to the University of Tennessee Foundation, Inc.
Be sure to note in the memo line “CSAMB Support.”
Return Attn:
Tom Looney
107 Morgan Hall
2621 Morgan Circle
Knoxville, TN 37996-4502
Consult your tax adviser as this gift may be tax deductible.