Microbac has had great success in developing a test that can detect SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, on surfaces. The test is specifically intended for use on high-touch areas such as restroom…
BESS’ Distinguished Alumnus’ Work with COVID-19 Testing
BESS Faculty and Grad Student Featured in Solid Waste & Recycling

A BESS study is published in “Solid Waste & Recycling”, an online magazine that serves Canada’s disposal industries.
Faculty to Work on USDA NIFA Grant

BESS faculty, Drs. Sindhu Jagadamma, Jaehoon Lee, Lori Duncan, Plant Sciences faculty Angela McClure and Tyson Raper, and Ecology and Evolutionary Biology faculty Stephanie Kivlin will work on USDA NIFA…
BESS Seniors in EUReCA Competition
Seniors from the Department of Biosystems Engineering & Soil Science compete in the annual EUReCA competition.
Two Graduate Students in the Jagadamma Lab Received University-Level Recognitions
Cover Crop Work in Middle Tennessee
Dr. Forbes Walker, Dr. Kevin Thompson and Alan Zimmerman discuss cover crops infiltration work in Middle Tennessee.
Spoon the Pig

by Ludwig, Andrea Lorene Daffodilsby Ludwig, Andrea Lorene on 3/1/2019 10:03 AMCategory: Timely ActionsDaffodils bloom February through May. Each variety will bloom for at least two weeks, depending on the temperature. Cooler weather extends their…
Protect Unplanted Woodies & Perennials Through Winter

by Ludwig, Andrea Lorene February in TN is notorious for delivering extreme cold temperatures with surprisingly warm days intermingled. This can be very stressful not only to established plants, but to late…